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MPS is very pleased to offer its seminary courses in affiliation with Tyndale University. Our affiliation with Tyndale means that our courses are fully portable; they can be used towards the completion of Tyndale degrees or transferred to other accredited graduate institutions.
Who are our students?
Today’s typical seminary student is “30-something,” working full or part time while pursuing graduate studies. Some are coming out of university, and training for ministry through the M.Div. program. Others are lay people who want to pursue biblical/theological training as part of the development of their Christian lives. Many are pastors who are seeking to keep themselves fresh.
How do I get in?
1. Admission to graduate studies is now available through Master’s Pentecostal Seminary.
Admission into MPS will give the student access to all of our courses and programs, as well as to those of Tyndale Seminary, Toronto. You can apply to a program by submitting a Regular Application Form (reference forms included) or apply as an Occasional Student by completing an Occasional Student Application Form, which will permit you to do up to three courses. Application forms require Adobe Acrobat Reader. Contact MPS Registrar’s Office or call 1-800-295-6368 if you require additional information. Check out Financial Aid for tuition subsidy benefits of applying through MPS.
2. A graduate student from any other institution or seminary may take our courses.
Since our courses are registered on Tyndale transcripts, there is an established procedure that involves a letter of permission from the student’s institution. Up to seven courses may be taken in this manner. For more details, please contact the Registrar’s Office at Tyndale.
The Application Process
Download and complete the application form. Once you have all the required items, please send as instructed in the form to the Master’s College and Seminary admissions office.
- Once your application has been received by Master’s admissions, it is then forwarded to Tyndale University admissions.
- Accepted students will receive a confirmation letter from Tyndale.
- Students will be provided a Tyndale student number, a student email and access to course and student portals.
- Registration and payment for all courses takes place through the Tyndale registration system.
- If you have any questions please email us at
Advanced Standing
There are some advantages for Bible College grads who apply to Master’s Pentecostal Seminary @ Tyndale.
- Up to three courses can be subtracted from a Master’s degree (some conditions apply) based upon coursework done at Bible College. For example, through advanced standing, an MTS in Pentecostal Studies can be shortened from 18 to 15 courses.
- Those who graduated before 1985 with a diploma from Eastern Pentecostal Bible College may apply for graduate work as if they have a four year degree. For these students, the completion of a fourth year of a Bachelor’s program is not necessary before applying to Masters@Tyndale.
Contact us for more information.

Housing Information
Master’s Pentecostal Seminary is a non-residential campus where our students have a variety of options for living in Toronto. We are recommending new students consider living in Tyndale University’s residences.
Have a question?

Campus • Tyndale
3377 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M2M 3S4
Office Address
2885 Kennedy Road
Toronto, ON M1W 1S8
Master’s Pentecostal Seminary is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
and is the graduate division of Master’s College & Seminary.
© 2021 Master’s Pentecostal Seminary • Site designed by Kathy Jimenez